Commercial Locksmithing in Yelverton

As a business owner, you'll know how important easy and frequent premises access is to the successful operation of your business. Safety and security are always the highest priority when it comes to keeping your business safe. Thanks to M&K, your local locksmiths in Yelverton, your premises are kept safe. 

Our services include:

Emergency Lockouts

Being locked out of your place of business costs you both time and money. Fortunately, we offer a 24-hour emergency service that can get you back in business as soon as possible. If you're in need of an emergency locksmith, trust M&K.

Non-Destructive Entry

As we've said, time is money. Money, as it happens, is also money, so we'll always endeavour to gain access to your premises in a way that causes no damage to the property and saves unnecessary repair costs.

Lock Changes and Security Upgrades

In the interest of safety, we offer a security assessment for your business premises before any non-emergency service, completely free of charge. We'll examine your doors and locks and make sound recommendations on how they might be upgraded.

uPVC  and Composite Door Adjustments

If your business premises have uPVC    or composite doors anywhere on the property, you'll know they are prone to eventual wear and tear. We can help adjust and repair these doors, saving you replacement costs down the line.

Boarding Up

Property damage is often an unfortunate reality of owning a business. In the event that your premises windows or doors sustain damage, we'll help board them up until you're able to repair them fully.

Lock Fitting, Repairs and Upgrades

After our free security assessment, we can replace old locks and install new ones that keep your business premises secure and safe.

Broken Key Extraction

The most frustrating thing that can happen when trying to lock up shop after a hard day's work is the key breaking. Don't worry! We'll be along shortly to remove it and have your lock operable once more.

broken commercial door lock being held in hand

woman putting key into round door lock

selection of silver keys